Ubik's Music

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Ubik's Music was also published as Modern Music System

Source 1

Property Data
Title Ubik's Music
Publisher and/or Developer Ubik, Firebird Ltd.
Year 1987
Disk(s) -
Number of Index Holes -
Media Type Compact Cassette
Retail, Budget or Compilation (with name) Retail
Country of Release UK
Language(s) english
Platform C64
Protection None
Working? Yes
Archived C64 Preservation Project
Verified by enigma

File:Ubik's Musik.tap

Additional Information

There exists a blog post that covers Ubik's Music here: http://c64-music.blogspot.com/2010/09/ubiks-music.html

And the manual reviewed here: http://c64-music.blogspot.com/2010/09/ubiks-music.html

Ubiks Music Manual.pdf

Important correction to the manual that was discovered by John in the above linked blog:

They tell you to Poke 50974 (hexC17D) to access your music once compiled. The Poke address should be 50973. John thinks this is the reason everyone gave up with this prog, because of the error in the instruction (50974 is hex C17E).