Misc applications we found on disks
- 1 Disk Hilfe C64 020
- 2 Disk Knack Disk Schutz SrNr C64 D34
- 3 Goodsoft Ghostwriter Systemdiskette 1
- 4 Goodsoft Ghostwriter Text Diskette 2
- 5 Goodsoft Ghostwriter Texte
- 6 Scotch Speed Backup Programm
- 7 Rex Datentechnik Light Pen Software
- 8 Rex Datentechnik 12 Programme Hypotheken und Kredit
- 9 Rex Datentechnik 13 Lern Programme um den Computer
- 10 Rex Datentechnik 20 Programme Wirtschaftsprogramme
- 11 Rex Datentechnik Renumber Schnellformatierung 82-C-008
- 12 Rex Datentechnik Take It 20-501
- 13 Rex Datentechnik Take It 20-502
- 14 Rex Datentechnik Take It 20-503
- 15 Rex Datentechnik Take It 20-905
- 16 Rex Datentechnik Utilities 82-C-042
- 17 Messe Stuttgart - Hobby + Elektronik 2001
- 18 Gooodsoft Merlin
Disk Hilfe C64 020
- File:DiskHilfeC64 020 s0.g64 "Disk Hilfe" from some Public Domain disk in german.
Disk Knack Disk Schutz SrNr C64 D34
- File:DiskKnack DiskSchutz SrNrC64 D34 s0.g64 "DiskKnack DiskSchutz" from some Public Domain disk in german.
Goodsoft Ghostwriter Systemdiskette 1
- File:GoodsoftGhostwriterSystemdiskette1 s0.g64 Goodsoft Ghostwriter v2.0 1993
Goodsoft Ghostwriter Text Diskette 2
- File:GoodsoftGhostwriterTextDiskette2 s0.g64 Goodsoft Ghostwriter Texte 001-146
- File:GoodsoftGhostwriterTextDiskette2 s1.g64 Goodsoft Ghostwriter Texte 147-286
Goodsoft Ghostwriter Texte
- File:GoodsoftGhostwriterTexte s0.g64 Goodsoft Ghostwriter Texte 302-395
- File:GoodsoftGhostwriterTexte s1.g64 Goodsoft Ghostwriter Texte 396-501
Scotch Speed Backup Programm
- File:ScotchSpeedBackupProgramm s0.g64 Scotch Speed Backup Programm. The disk was mastered. From the directory it is V2. The program seems to be a relicensed? version of Speed Backup by M.Friedl published in Input 64 magazine issue 05/1987. The program is in german.
Rex Datentechnik Light Pen Software
Disk has a track offset of +10 tracks (48 tpi).
Rex Datentechnik 12 Programme Hypotheken und Kredit
- File:REX Datentechnik PDSoftware 12Programme HypothekenUndKredit s0.g64 REX Datentechnik PD Software - 12 Programme Hypotheken und Kredit
Rex Datentechnik 13 Lern Programme um den Computer
- File:REX Datentechnik PDSoftware 13LernProgrammeUmDenComputer s0.g64 REX Datentechnik PD Software - 13 Programme Um den Computer
Disk has a track offset of +10 tracks (48 tpi) and is a copy of one of the Science disks distributed by Commodore Canada as educational software in 1983, similar to Science III.
Rex Datentechnik 20 Programme Wirtschaftsprogramme
- File:REX Datentechnik PDSoftware ca20Programme Wirtschaftsprogramme s0.g64 REX Datentechnik PD Software - ca. 20 Programme Wirtschaftsprogramme
Disk contains a copy of one of the disks distributed by Commodore Canada as educational software in 1983, similar to Science III.
Rex Datentechnik Renumber Schnellformatierung 82-C-008
- File:REX Datentechnik Renumber Schnellformatierung 82-C-008 s0.g64 REX Datentechnik PD Software - Renumber Schnellformatierung 82-C008
Disk has a track offset of +6 tracks (48 tpi) and contains partially programs distributed by Commodore Canada as educational software in 1983.
Rex Datentechnik Take It 20-501
- File:REX Datentechnik TakeIt20-501 s0.g64 REX Datentechnik PD Software - Take It 20-501
Rex Datentechnik Take It 20-502
- File:REX Datentechnik TakeIt20-502 s0.g64 REX Datentechnik PD Software - Take It 20-502
Rex Datentechnik Take It 20-503
- File:REX Datentechnik TakeIt20-503 s0.g64 REX Datentechnik PD Software - Take It 20-503
Rex Datentechnik Take It 20-905
- File:REX Datentechnik TakeIt20-905 s0.g64 REX Datentechnik PD Software - Take It 20-905
Rex Datentechnik Utilities 82-C-042
- File:REX Datentechnik Utilities 82-C-042 s0.g64 REX Datentechnik PD Software - Utilities 82-C-042
Disk has a track offset of +6 tracks (48 tpi) and contains programs distributed by Commodore Canada as educational software in 1983.
Messe Stuttgart - Hobby + Elektronik 2001
- File:Hobby+elektronik 2001 MesseStuttgart s0.g64 Commodore Connection Line Disk for "Hobby und Electronic Messe Stuttgart 1 - 4 Nov 2001" csdb link
Gooodsoft Merlin
The disk label is "Merlin" but the disk seems to contain only the Goodsfot catalog.
File:Streams Merlin Goodsoft parser.zip
File:NIB Merlin Goodsoft parser.zip
File:Merlin Goodsoft parser s0.g64
Disk side 1 is empty.